Rhaea Goff

Individual & Couples Therapy | Men & Women | Group Coaching | Workshops | Speaking Engagements

Hi, I am Rhaea Goff.

The founder of A Rhaea Hope.  I hold a bachelor's degree from Virginia State University in the field of Sociology and a master's degree from Norfolk State University in the field of Social Work. I have a clinical license in social work in  Virginia and Maryland.

For the past 20-plus years, I have worked in various mental health and human service sectors. Throughout my tenure, I have been privileged to advocate for the disenfranchised by facilitating substance abuse education classes and parenting groups, providing outpatient therapy and mental health services in the school setting, and more.

I am every woman. I understand the struggles and triumphs we often face during our journey to self-actualization. I spent a notable part of my life feeling unfulfilled--existing in life instead of living it. I was intrigued by people who had an “inner spark.” I wanted it but didn’t know how to access mine. I became sick and tired of being sick and tired and made the decision to begin the journey of self-discovery. Through my process, I discovered who I am, created a vision, and started living an authentic and fulfilling life. I have taken my pain and turned it into purpose.

And I am here to do the same for you!

​My work centers around helping women live authentic and fulfilling lives.  Self-acceptance, joy, and success are everyone's birthright. I help them move them from a life that's good enough to one of greatness.

I have taken my pain and turned it into purpose. And I am here to do the same for you!

— Rhaea Goff